Inside Frenchie's Head

Monday, February 27, 2006

I have decided to go with my gut and decline the apartment that I checked out last weekend. I spent all day yesterday cooking a meal that I donated for my company's recent silent auction and it really confirmed the fact that a kitchen might be the most important part of a dwelling for me. Through cooking I become more centered and in tune with myself and if I don't live in a place that allows me to do nurture this part of myself, in tune I will not be. So, I'm doing a bit of pondering, rethinking, reevaluating in terms of what I can afford and doing a reality check in terms of what I can get for the money that I can spend. C'est la vie. The fact that this place didn't work out simply opens the door for something so much better.

And for the record, I just noticed that one of my blogs notes that it was posted at the obscene hour of 5AM. This is not the case. I may be a bit nutty at times, but not that nutty.


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