Inside Frenchie's Head

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I had spent the past hour articulating my understanding of the word "karass" a term created by Kurt Vonnegut in "Cat's Cradle." I had many words recorded, detailing the myriad coincidences and serendipitous events that have recently presented themselves in my lfe, the details of which were part of my musings on how many pieces are combining to confirm that my move is the right choice at this, the right time...and then my computer's battery died.

I lost it all.

So, I took a stroll into the kitchen, packed up the veggie mooshu and fried rice that I'd just devoured, and cracked open a fortune cookie.

Lo and behold the fortune:

"You will move to a wonderful new home within the year."

Then, I recalled that, for some reason, I had saved two other fortunes that I'd attained over the past two months, both of which communicated equally meaningful fortunes:

"No man is free who is not master of himself."

I received the above fortune the night before I negotiated for the terms of my relocation, the time during which I full realized the fact that no one will take care of me if I don't take care of myself.

And then this one...

"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."

This the fortune I cracked open the night before I began my memoir writing workshop.


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